Recently, automatic packing and detection, labeling and loading system of Tech-Long was accepted by one of fireworks company in Guangdong Province and also get a good feedback from customer. Since then, Tech-Long has officially marched into the fireworks production industry, and developed a new market.
This system realized fully automation fireworks production line, including packing and detection, labeling and loading. The speed is 600 boxes per hour, it can fully meet requirements of the whole production line. Before the system being put into use, loading is operated manually, with each box of explosive of 25KG, high intensity labor and low production efficiency; more importantly, industrial explosive is of high risk, causing many safety hazards during the production. The system provided by Tech-Long has realized full automation, and reduced the number of operators on site effectively, which can not only reduce the labor cost in the long term, but also substantially reduce harm to people once explosion occurs.
In the whole set of system, Tech-Long has applied manipulator in labeling process in an innovative way, which gains unexpected effect. Compared with traditional labeling method, manipulator labeling is very flexible, and the labeling location can be changed as needed. With sound compatibility, it can better adapt to diverse product model and variable labeling location, etc.
In loading process, we have introduced industrial robots who will pile up the whole box of explosives neatly in an enclosed container truck. This is the first application in fireworks industry, and even first in the whole loading sector of China, filling the blanks in Chinese market, standing the leading level of the industry. With advanced concept and high adaptability, the loading robot application shall make a difference in the sector of loading market. It can also be one of our competitive industrial automation products to march into logistics industry.